January 29, 2018 7:00 pm
To connect the members of St. James with people in need.
Old Business:
Advent – Christmas Card Making - The Christmas card-making during the Wednesday night Advent Festival was very successful . Cards were designated for Puerto Rico Hurricane Relief – we raised $505 matched by Episcopal Relief and Development to $1010. Evaluating for next year, we want Helen and Christie to head it up, if available, we need more table space, and more blank cards.
Valmead Grocery Cards –members purchased seventy $10 ($700) grocery cards to Valmead Elementary School. This project continues to be a positive way for members to be responsive during the Christmas season.
R@T –– There will be an upcoming R@T captain’s meeting to look at the program and see if there are members who may want to be involved in this program. There will be an updating of the team list, including a column called “Call on Me” for those members who want to help but cannot be on a regular team. We have not received feedback from Yokefellow concerning the use of the Gift Cards given out at the December R@T.
Backpack Ministry 2017-2018 –we may need to include Backpack in our 2018 Budget. They have been using designated monies in the past, but that line item is dwindling. Backpacks will be packed the following Thursday.
LEOS –– LEOS has a new manager Phil Mattheis who is having a volunteer meeting February 15 to get feedback. St. James’ 4th Saturday volunteer crew has managed this commitment so far, but are always looking for additional volunteers.
We, the People - the participation in the MLK week-end events was strong, especially from St. James members. There are other interdenominational events throughout Lent – a prayer walk around town, worship on Wed. evenings and the possibility of a workshop on “Spirituals” for the community. Susan reminded us of the importance of “showing up” as we focus on race relations in our community. There is a United Thank Offering grant “Becoming the Beloved Community” that may a resource.
William Lenoir –St. James members partnered with each other to provide Christmas gifts for 6 children.
Habitat for Humanity Women’s Build –the Women’s Build is to begin April 21st. Groundbreaking ceremony will be Wed. Feb. 21st at 4:00. They need to raise $70,000 to build a house and participants get sponsors who help pay $250 each to work. St. James will have a team (the Episco Gals) and CARE has given $1500 to Habitat to help members with their sponsorship. Non-members may participate on our team but only members can use CARE money for their ‘pay to play’. More information can be found on caldwellhabitat.org, womens build.
Partnership with St. Paul’s AME – We will partner to do Rise Against Hunger again on March 25th. Feedback from last year’s event was given from other CARE members. Several members voiced concerns about the length of the event and how tired they were after packing the meals.
New Business:
Walk for Cancer – A parishioner came with the Hickory representative for the American Cancer Society to talk with CARE about St. James getting a team for Relay for Life and other ways members could volunteer. The Relay for Life will take place at the Hickory American Legion Fairgrounds on June 1st – 6pm to June 2 – 6 am. Nothing was decided at this time.
Distributing Dignity –We did find out that the Shelter Home does not need any more products after last year’s collection but Yokefellow is always in need and especially for baby diapers. St. James will participate in the ‘Distributing Dignity’ program for the month of February.
CARE Meetings in 2018:
April 23, Monday, 7:00
July 23, Monday, 7:00
October 22, Monday, 7:00