All the exterior siding is now up and work will begin next week on insulation batting inside before putting up sheet rock.
Two parishioners volunteered at our build site this week and shared photos of Habitat's Women Build. helped with measuring and cutting siding, and also sprayed foam insulation around doors, windows and outlets. All the exterior siding is now up and work will begin next week on insulation batting inside before putting up sheet rock. Team 4 hosted June's Room at The Table, serving hot dogs with all the fixings, chips, and a choice of chili, pinto or green beans. Dessert was a choice of an assortment of healthy fruit provided and prepared by a parishioner, or cake and ice cream. Those big slices of cantaloupe were especially popular!
37 persons were fed at the meal, and 37 take outs provided. |
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November 2018
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St. James Episcopal Church
806 College Avenue, SW Lenoir, NC 28645 828-754-3712 Sunday Services 8:00am - Holy Eucharist - no music 9:10am- Adult Forum (September-May) 10:30am - Holy Eucharist with music Four times a year (on "5th Sundays") we often offer Morning Prayer instead of Eucharist at both morning services. |