Worship with us! We invite you to worship with us at 8 and 10:30 am on Sundays and at 12:10 on Wednesdays Welcome to St. James
At St. James hospitality is our deep mission. You are invited to be a part of St. James by bringing your own needs as well as your talents and gifts to our church ministry. Parish Administrator News:
We're excited to announce that we have found a person to become our new Parish Administrator. She will begin the last week of August, and more information introducing her to the parish will come later this month. The General Convention
of the Episcopal Church Louisville, KY June 23-28 You can still go back and watch the worship or any of the legislative sessions that were part of the live feed - they're available at https://media.episcopalchurch.org/video/ You can read some of our Rector's reflections on what happened at General Convention here: This Week Special Edition: General Convention |
Creation Care at St. James
As a way of responding in faith to God's call to be stewards of this world, we are seeking new ways to support the diverse life on this planet and to work for its healing. This spring we have put in our first native plant garden, and have changed our fluorescent light tubes to LED tubes. Last year we moved to biodegradable to-go containers for our Room at the Table program, and this year have added bamboo rather than plastic forks. We celebrate The Season of Creation each fall, and provide different ways of sharing with each other the things we are doing individually to lessen our damaging footprint on creation. Quick Links - Sunday Worship Livestream Our Sunday morning worship will be on YouTube at 10:30 am every week. You will find a link to a .pdf of the worship bulletin in the video description. The video will remain available after the service is over. There will always be a link to the service on our Facebook page as well. Previous weeks' services, as well as other offerings can also be found on our YouTube channel. |
St. James Episcopal Church
806 College Avenue, SW Lenoir, NC 28645 828-754-3712 Sunday Services 8:00am - Holy Eucharist - no music 9:10am- Adult Forum (Sept-May) 10:30am - Holy Eucharist with music Four times a year (on "5th Sundays") we often offer Morning Prayer instead of Eucharist at both morning services. |