Children's Education
We have resumed (post-pandemic) a Children's Formation program. To help fit with families' busy schedules, we are now offering a once a month, hour long, gathering of children of all ages. We currently have kids from age 2 through 9th grade attending, and the needs of them all are taken into account.
We meet in the Children's Chapel (Sunday school area upstairs from the offices) at 9:10 on the Third Sunday of each month during the school year (September - May). At 10:10 we will bring the children to the Adult Forum space in the Hogan Room. Starting with a Bible Story in the children's chapel, we then branch out all around our church spaces for a variety of different activities each month. We have created our own nativity scenes, done a treasure hunt in the main worship space, and planted seeds in preparation for the spring. Each month is different! Join us. |
Children assist in the Pentecost processions
Our Nursery program is still being reconstituted following the pandemic. We have wonderful space for the children to play and have volunteers willing to staff that space so that parents can go to worship. But because it is sporadically used, the volunteers are not there unless requested ahead of time. But please don't hesitate to call the church office and request nursery room volunteers! If you wish to remain in the nursery for the first part of the service with your own children, we have installed a TV in there and use it to livestream the worship service on YouTube each week.
Children's Library
The wonderful Children’s Library is still in the Sunday School rooms area, but will be moving to the library area in the Atrium which will make it much more accessible for during worship. Children are welcome to check out books to take home, enjoy, and return. A variety of books can be found here, such as child friendly Prayer Books, Bibles, Lullabies, Veggie Tales, and other religious theme books.
Charlie Frye's murals on the Sunday School Floor
Puppet show
Parish Easter egg hunt
St. James Episcopal Church
806 College Avenue, SW Lenoir, NC 28645 828-754-3712 Sunday Services 8:00am - Holy Eucharist - no music 9:10am- Adult Forum (Sept-May) 10:30am - Holy Eucharist with music Four times a year (on "5th Sundays") we often offer Morning Prayer instead of Eucharist at both morning services. |