The Rev. Susan J. Buchanan, Rector After serving parishes in Winchester VA, North Conway NH, and Richmond VA, Susan came to St. James in 2017. She received her BA in Biblical Studies (1980) from Wheaton College, Wheaton IL and her MDiv (1994) from Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria VA. She serves on the Standing Committee of the Diocese of Western North Carolina, and is a clergy deputy from this diocese to the General Convention. Susan loves the outdoors and the mountains, and enjoys hiking, quilting, reading, and making music. She and her husband, Rick Smith, have two labrador retrievers. Between them they have 5 children (one in Hawaii and the others in New England) and 6 grandchildren. email: [email protected] |
Church office hours are a little sporadic at this time, while we continue to look to hire a new parish administrator.
There is *usually* someone in from 9-noon on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays. Even when someone is in the office, for security reasons the door to the building is kept locked. Please ring the "Ring" doorbell, and if someone is there they will let you in. |
Other Staff:
Dr. Vince Crist, Organist and Choir Director
contact available through the church office
Administrative Assistant - currently hiring for this position
email: [email protected]
Lisa Bennick, Bookkeeper
email: [email protected]
contact available through the church office
Administrative Assistant - currently hiring for this position
email: [email protected]
Lisa Bennick, Bookkeeper
email: [email protected]
The office is CLOSED for the following holidays: New Year's Day Martin Luther King Day Easter Monday Memorial Day July 4th Labor Day Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Holiday (2 days) Christmas Holiday (2 days) |
St. James Episcopal Church
806 College Avenue, SW Lenoir, NC 28645 828-754-3712 Sunday Services 8:00am - Holy Eucharist - no music 9:10am- Adult Forum (Sept-May) 10:30am - Holy Eucharist with music Four times a year (on "5th Sundays") we often offer Morning Prayer instead of Eucharist at both morning services. |