October 30, 2017, 7:00 pm
To connect the members of St. James with people in need.
Recommendation for Budget 2018
The committee reviewed the 2012 application process that helped the committee better connect with the agencies, understand their needs, financially and physically, and helps us make better decisions regarding those agencies. Knowing that cash flow does not allow us to give out the amount at one time, the recommendation is to send applications to agencies at the end of year 2017, make decisions in January and send out a notice as to what we plan to give and when they could expect that amount. We may have CARE members to pick up the application, providing an opportunity for agencies to help us better understand how we can live out our mission statement - ‘connect the members of St. James with people in need.’ The motion passed.
Old Business:
R@T –
We have the 2018 R@T schedule with four teams instead of five which means that each team will keep the same month every year. There was some discussion about ways we can connect with the guests on a more personal level while respecting their space. All agree that the “Prayers” collected are important and serving the guests tea or seconds helps gets our members among our guests.
We will give our guests $5 gift cards to Yokefellow at our December R@T. We have done this in the past and had a positive response from Yokefellow and our guests. Sharon Osborne with Yokefellow said she would not bill us for those cards ‘because St. James does so much for Yokefellow’.
Backpack Ministry
We are serving our limit of 60 children. There are some children on the waiting list, but they do not stay on the waiting list long due to children moving. We should have a pallet by next week and if we do get the pallet, help will be needed (persons with strong backs) unloading the 50 lb boxes. We were reminded how bountiful the pallets are from MDI and how all of it is used by Backpack, Soup Kitchen, and Yokefellow.
The new manager works at Yokefellow so he will not be at LEOS full time. They have also hired three shift managers who work with Phil Mattheis, the new manager. St. James continues to work the 4th Saturday of the month.
Bread for the World
We shared some pictures from the Offering of Letters Sunday, October 15th. Although there were more from the early service actually sitting down and writing letters, many from both services took materials and several received responses from their email letters. We were also reminded to be careful in our communication so that our focus is on our mission of addressing hunger.
We, the People
Although the group We, the People is not meeting, the group led Susan to order the film, Traces of the Trade. She wants to plan a showing of the film with discussion around the film.
William Lenoir Middle School
St. James has a long history of supporting William Lenoir Middle School came through with two car loads of hygiene supplies, healthy snacks, socks, leggings, and other items, plus $100 from Susan’s discretionary fund to shop as a need arises. The committee agreed we would continue to help with 6-8 children during Christmas.
Habitat for Humanity Women’s Build
Due to staff issues at Habitat, the official kick off of the Women’s Build has been delayed to the start of 2018.
New Business:
St. James Christmas Cards
In the past children (and adults) have decorated cards which were designated to a selected organization. The past two years that organization has been LEOS/Yokefellow. Members buy the cards at $10 each totaling approximately $500 to $1000. Susan is planning a pre-Advent gathering on Wednesday, November 29th – 5:00 – 6:30 followed by a soup supper. During that gathering members will be making Advent wreaths, nativity scenes, and could decorate the cards. A motion was that we decorate the cards at the pre-Advent gathering and that we designate the money to go to Puerto Rico, through the Episcopal Relief and Development Funds. The motion passed.
Valmead School Grocery Cards
We will check with to see if we will coordinate St. James collecting $10 grocery cards for Valmead School.
Partnership with St. Paul’s AME
A parishioners and our rector met with St. Paul's to talk about ways we may partner in our ministries. Besides being an inspiring meeting with lots of ‘hope’ for joint ministries in 2018, they agreed they would like to do the packing of meals and do it again on Palm Sunday.
Next Meeting: January 22/29, 2018, 7:00